Massachusetts - Bethany


(Farming in Massachusetts, 1600’s.)

(Juicer in 1600’s?!Yup!!!)

(Houses Georgetown Ma, 1600’s.)


(Plymouth Plantation, Ma.)





             Corn was the Massachusens’ main trade/crop. Indians taught them how to tend to it and so they grew it often. The people of Massachusetts mainly traded corn. Natives and the English traded this simple (easy to grow) crop. The English and the Natives fought but soon resolved the conflict, hence the first Thanksgiving.   

Religion/John Winthrop

      Of the English Pilgrims and Puritans were the ones that came to Massachusetts. Leading them was Captain John Winthrop. In my opinion he was one of the greatest sailors of all. He was the one that helped his crew survive, without him they were destine to die.

                    Geographical Features/Conflict


.            The English and the Natives fought but soon resolved the conflict, hence the first Thanksgiving. The land of Massachusetts was mainly grassy with lakes and marshlands and obviously by the ocean. There were beaches aplenty. 


       Girls, Women vs. Boys, Men

     Girls and women wove clothes, cooked, cleaned and tended to the shelters and homes. However, boys and men hunted, built shelter, tended to the fire and protected others of the same colony.